Size | Description | Type | Notes |
? | Version | String | "Terraria" + Main.curRelease |
public struct ConnectRequest
public string Version;
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
? | Reason | NetworkText | - |
public struct Disconnect
public Localization.NetworkText Text;
NetMessage.SendData(2, -1, -1, text);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | Player ID | Byte | - |
1 | ServerWantsToRunCheckBytesInClientLoopThread | Boolean | NetPlay.Connection.ServerSpecialFlags[2] |
public struct ContinueConnecting
public byte PlayerID;
public bool ServerWantsToRunCheckBytesInClientLoopThread = false;
NetMessage.SendData(3, remoteClient);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | Player ID | Byte | - |
1 | Skin Variant | Byte | - |
1 | Hair | Byte | - |
? | Name | String | - |
1 | Hair Dye | Byte | - |
2 | Accessory Visibility | UInt16 | - |
1 | Hide Misc | Byte | - |
3 | Hair Color | RGBColor | - |
3 | Skin Color | RGBColor | - |
3 | Eye Color | RGBColor | - |
3 | Shirt Color | RGBColor | - |
3 | Under Shirt Color | RGBColor | - |
3 | Pants Color | RGBColor | - |
3 | Shoe Color | RGBColor | - |
1 | Flag1 | Byte | BitFlags: 0 = Softcore 1 = Mediumcore 2 = Hardcore 4 = ExtraAccessory 8 = Creative |
1 | Flag2 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = UsingBiomeTorches 2 = HappyFunTorchTime 4 = UnlockedBiomeTorches 8 = UnlockedSuperCart 16 = EnabledSuperCart |
1 | Flag3 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = UsedAegisCrystal 2 = UsedAegisFruit 4 = UsedArcaneCrystal 8 = UsedGalaxyPearl 16 = UsedGummyWorm 32 = UsedAmbrosia 64 = AteArtisanBread |
public struct PlayerInfo
public byte PlayerID;
public byte SkinVariant;
public byte Hair;
public string Name;
public byte HairDye;
public ushort AccessoryVisibility;
public RGBColor HairColor;
public RGBColor SkinColor;
public RGBColor EyeColor;
public RGBColor ShirtColor;
public RGBColor UnderShirtColor;
public RGBColor RantsColor;
public RGBColor ShoeColor;
public BFlag1 Flag1;
public BFlag2 Flag2;
public BFlag3 Flag3;
public struct BFlag1
public BitsByte Data;
public bool IsSoftcore => Data[0];
public bool IsMediumcore => Data[1];
public bool ExtraAccessor => Data[2];
public bool IsCreative => Data[3];
public struct BFlag2
public BitsByte Data;
public bool UsingBiomeTorches => Data[0];
public bool HappyFunTorchTime => Data[1];
public bool UnlockedBiomeTorches => Data[2];
public bool UnlockedSuperCart => Data[3];
public bool EnabledSuperCart => Data[4];
public struct BFlag3
public BitsByte Data;
public bool UsedAegisCrystal => Data[0];
public bool UsedAegisFruit => Data[1];
public bool UsedArcaneCrystal => Data[2];
public bool UsedGalaxPearl => Data[3];
public bool UsedGummyWorm => Data[4];
public bool UsedAmbrosia => Data[5];
public bool AteArtisanBread => Data[6];
NetMessage.SendData(4, -1, -1, null, playerID);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | Player ID | Byte | - |
2 | Slot ID | Int16 | - |
2 | Stack | Int16 | - |
1 | Prefix | Byte | - |
2 | Type | Int16 | - |
public struct PlayerSlot
public byte PlayerID;
public short SlotID;
public short Stack;
public byte Prefix;
public short Type;
NetMessage.SendData(5, -1, -1, null, playerID, slotID, prefix);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
- | - | - | - |
public struct ContinueConnecting2
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
4 | Time | Int32 | - |
1 | Flag1 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = Day Time 2 = Blood Moon 4 = Eclipse |
1 | Moon Phase | Byte | - |
2 | Max Tile X | Int16 | - |
2 | Max Tile X | Int16 | - |
2 | Spawn Tile X | Int16 | - |
2 | Spawn Tile Y | Int16 | - |
2 | World Surface | Int16 | - |
2 | Rock Layer | Int16 | - |
4 | Wolrd ID | Int32 | - |
? | Wolrd Name | String | - |
16 | Unique ID | Byte[16] | - |
1 | Game Mode | Byte | - |
8 | World Generator Version | UInt64 | - |
1 | Moon Type | Byte | - |
1 | Tree Background 1 | Byte | - |
1 | Tree Background 2 | Byte | - |
1 | Tree Background 3 | Byte | - |
1 | Tree Background 4 | Byte | - |
1 | Corrupt Background | Byte | - |
1 | Jungle Background | Byte | - |
1 | Snow Background | Byte | - |
1 | Hallowd Background | Byte | - |
1 | Cirmson Background | Byte | - |
1 | Desert Background | Byte | - |
1 | Ocean Background | Byte | - |
1 | Mushroom Background | Byte | - |
1 | Underworld Background | Byte | - |
1 | Ice Background Style | Byte | - |
1 | Jungle Background Style | Byte | - |
1 | Hell Background Style | Byte | - |
4 | Wind Speed | Single | - |
1 | Cloud Number | Byte | - |
12 | Tree X | Int32[3] | - |
4 | Tree Style X | Byte[4] | - |
12 | Cave Back X | Int32[3] | - |
4 | Cave Back Style | Byte[4] | - |
13 | Tree Tops | Byte[13] | Forest1 Forest2 Forest3 Forest4 Corruption Jungle Snow Hallow Crimson Desert Ocean Glowing Mushroom Underworld |
4 | Rain | Single | - |
1 | Flag2 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = Shadow Orb Smashed 2 = Downed Boss 1 4 = Downed Boss 2 8 = Downed Boss 3 16 = Hard Mode 32 = Downed Clown 64 = Server Side Character 128 = Downed Plant Boss |
1 | Flag3 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = Mech Boss Downed 1 2 = Mech Boss Downed 2 4 = Mech Boss Downed 3 8 = Mech Boss Any Downed 16 = Cloud BG Active 32 = Crimson 64 = Pumpkin Moon 128 = Snow Moon |
1 | Flag4 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = None 2 = FastForwardTime 4 = Slime Rain 8 = Downed Slime King 16 = Downed Queen Bee 32 = Downed Fishron 64 = Downed Martians 128 = Downed Ancient Cultist |
1 | Flag5 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = Downed Moon Lord 2 = Downed Pumking 4 = Downed Mourning Wood 8 = Downed Ice Queen 16 = Downed Santank 32 = Downed Everscream 64 = Downed Golem 128 = Birthday Party |
1 | Flag6 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = Downed Pirates 2 = Downed Frost Legion 4 = Downed Goblins 8 = Sandstorm 16 = DD2 Event 32 = Downed DD2 Tier 1 64 = Downed DD2 Tier 2 128 = Downed DD2 Tier 3 |
1 | Flag7 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = Combat Book Used 2 = Manual Lanterns 4 = Downed Solar Tower 8 = Downed Vortex Tower 16 = Downed Tower Nebula 32 = Downed Stardust Tower 64 = Force Halloween (day) 128 = Force XMas (day) |
1 | Flag8 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = Bought Cat 2 = Bought Dog 4 = Bought Bunny 8 = Free Cake 16 = Drunk World 32 = Downed Empress of Light 64 = Downed Queen Slime 128 = GetGoodWorld |
1 | Flag9 | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = Tenth Anniversar World 2 = Dont Starve World 4 = Downed Deerclops 8 = Not The Bees World 16 = Remix World 32 = Unlocked Slime Blue Spawn 64 = Combat Book Volume Two Was Used 128 = Peddlers Satchel Was Used |
1 | Flag10 | Byte | BitFlgs: 1 = Unlocked Slime Green Spawn 2 = Unlocked Slime Old Spawn 4 = Unlocked Slime Purple Spawn 8 = Unlocked Slime Rainbow Spawn 16 = Unlocked Slime Red Spawn 32 = Unlocked Slime Yellow Spawn 64 = Unlocked SlimeCopper Spawn 128 = Fast Forward Time To Dusk |
1 | Flag11 | Byte | 1 = NoTrapsWorld 2 = ZenithWorld 4 = Unlocked Truffle Spawn
2 | Copper Ore Tier | Int16 | - |
2 | Iron Ore Tier | Int16 | - |
2 | Silver Ore Tier | Int16 | - |
2 | Gold Ore Tier | Int16 | - |
2 | Cobalt Ore Tier | Int16 | - |
2 | Mythril Ore Tier | Int16 | - |
2 | Adamantite Ore Tier | Int16 | - |
1 | Invasion Type | SByte | - |
8 | Lobby ID | UInt64 | - |
4 | Sandstorm Severity | Single | - |
public unsafe struct WorldInfo
public int Time;
public BitsByte Flag1;
public byte MoonPhase;
public short MaxTileX;
public short MaxTileY;
public short SpawnTileX;
public short SpawnTileY;
public short WorldSurface;
public short RockLayer;
public int WolrID;
public string WorldName;
public byte GameMode;
public fixed byte UniqueID[16];
public ulong WorldGeneratorVersion;
public byte MoonType;
public byte TreeBG1;
public byte TreeBG2;
public byte TreeBG3;
public byte TreeBG4;
public byte CorruptBG;
public byte JungleBG;
public byte SnowBG;
public byte HallowBG;
public byte CirmsonBG;
public byte DesertBG;
public byte OceanBG;
public byte MushroomBG;
public byte UnderworldBG;
public byte IceBackStyle;
public byte JungleBackStyle;
public byte HellBackStyle;
public float WindSpeedTarget;
public byte NumClouds;
public fixed int TreeX[3];
public fixed byte TreeStyle[4];
public fixed int CaveBackX[3];
public fixed byte CaveBackStyle[4];
public fixed byte TreeTops[13];
public float MaxRaining;
public BitsByte Flag2;
public BitsByte Flag3;
public BitsByte Flag4;
public BitsByte Flag5;
public BitsByte Flag6;
public BitsByte Flag7;
public BitsByte Flag8;
public BitsByte Flag9;
public BitsByte Flag10;
public BitsByte Flag11;
public byte SundialCooldown;
public byte MoondialCooldown;
public short CopperTier;
public short IronTier;
public short SilverTier;
public short GoldTier;
public short CobaltTier;
public short MythrilTier;
public short AdamantiteTier;
public sbyte InvasionType;
public ulong LobbyID;
public float IntendedServerity;
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
4 | X | Int32 | Player Spawn X |
4 | Y | Int32 | Player Spawn Y |
public struct TileGetSection
public int TileX;
public int TileY;
NetMessage.SendData(8, -1, -1, null, tileX, tileY)
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
4 | Status Max | Int32 | - |
? | Status Text | NetworkText | - |
1 | Status Text Flags | Byte | BitFlags: 1 = HideStatusTextPercent 2 = StatusTextHasShadows |
public struct Status
public int StatusMax;
public Localization.NetworkText Text;
public BitsByte Flag;
NetMessage.SendData(9, -1, -1, null, statusMax, flag)
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | Compressed | Boolean | - |
4 | X Start | Int32 | - |
4 | Y Start | Int32 | - |
2 | Width | Int16 | - |
2 | Height | Int16 | - |
? | Tiles | - | |
2 | Chest Count | Int16 | - |
? | Chests | - | |
2 | Sign Count | Int16 | - |
? | Signs | - | |
2 | TileEntity Count | Int16 | - |
? | TileEntities | - | - |
public struct TileSendSection
public bool Compressed;
public int XStart;
public int YStart;
public short Width;
public short Height;
public byte[] TilesData;
public short ChestCount;
public ChestData[] Chests;
public short SignCount;
public SignData[] Sings;
public short TileEntityCount;
public byte[] TileEntitys;
public struct ChestData
public short ChestID;
public short X;
public short Y;
public string Name;
public struct SignData
public short SignID;
public short X;
public short Y;
public string Text;
NetMessage.SendData(10, -1, -1, null, xStart, yStart, width, height)
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
2 | Start X | Int16 | - |
2 | Start Y | Int16 | - |
2 | End X | Int16 | - |
2 | End Y | Int16 | - |
public struct SectionTileFrame
public short StartX;
public short StartY;
public short EndX;
public short EndY;
NetMessage.SendData(11, -1, -1, null, startX, startY, endX, endY)
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | PlayerID | Byte | - |
2 | Spawn X | Int16 | - |
2 | Spawn Y | Int16 | - |
4 | Respawn Time | Int32 | - |
2 | Number Of Deaths PVE | Int16 | - |
2 | Number Of Deaths PVP | Int16 | - |
1 | Player Spawn Context | Byte | 0 = ReviveFromDeath 1 = SpawningIntoWorld 2 = RecallFromItem |
public struct PlayerSpawn
public byte PlayerID;
public short SpawnX;
public short SpawnY;
public int RespownTimer;
public short NumberOfDeathsPVE;
public short NumberOfDeathsPVP;
public byte PlayerSpawnContext;
NetMessage.SendData(12, -1, -1, null, playerID, playerSpawnContext)
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | PlayerID | Byte | - |
1 | Flag1 | BitsByte | - |
1 | Flag2 | BitsByte | - |
1 | Flag3 | BitsByte | - |
1 | Flag4 | BitsByte | - |
1 | SelectedItem | Byte | - |
8 | Position | Vector2 | - |
8 | Velocity | Vector2 | - |
8 | PotionOfReturnOriginalUsePosition | Vector2 | - |
8 | PotionOfReturnHomePosition | Vector2 | - |
public struct PlayerUpdate
public byte PlayerID;
public BitsByte Flag1;
public BitsByte Flag2;
public BitsByte Flag3;
public BitsByte Flag4;
public byte SelectedItem;
public Vector2 Position;
public Vector2 Velocity;
public Vector2 PotionOfReturnOriginalUsePosition;
public Vector2 PotionOfReturnHomePosition;
NetMessage.SendData(13, -1, -1, null, playerID);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | PlayerID | Byte | - |
1 | Active | Boolean | - |
public struct PlayerActive
public byte PlayerID;
public byte Active;
NetMessage.SendData(14, -1, -1, null, playerID, active);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | PlayerID | Byte | - |
2 | StatLife | Int16 | - |
2 | StatLifeMax | Int16 | - |
public struct PlayerHp
public byte PlayerID;
public short StatLife;
public short StatLifeMax;
NetMessage.SendData(16, -1, -1, null, playerID);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | Action | Byte | - |
2 | TileX | Int16 | - |
2 | TileY | Int16 | - |
2 | Flag1 | Int16 | - |
1 | Flag2 | Byte | - |
public struct Tile
public byte Action;
public short TileX;
public short TileY;
public short Flag1;
public byte Flag2;
NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, null, action, tileX, tileY, flag1, flag2);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | DayTime | Boolean | - |
4 | Time | Int32 | - |
2 | SunModY | Int16 | - |
2 | MoonModY | Int16 | - |
public struct TimeSet
public bool DayTime;
public int Time;
public short SunModY;
public short MoonModY;
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
1 | Action | Byte | - |
2 | TileX | Int16 | - |
2 | TileY | Int16 | - |
1 | Direction | Byte | - |
public struct DoorUse
public byte Action;
public short TileX;
public short TileY;
public byte Direction;
NetMessage.SendData(19, -1, -1, null, action, tileX, tileY, direction);
Size | Description | Type | Notes |
2 | TileX | Int16 | - |
2 | TileY | Int16 | - |
1 | Width | Byte | - |
1 | Height | Byte | - |
1 | TileChangeType | Byte | - |
? | Data | Byte[] | - |
public struct TileSendSquare
public short TileX;
public short TileY;
public byte Width;
public byte Height;
public byte TileChangeType;
public byte[] Data;
NetMessage.SendData(20, -1, -1, null, tileX, tileY, width, height, tileChangeType);
public struct ItemDrop
public short ItemID;
public Vector2 Position;
public Vector2 Velocity;
public short Stack;
public byte Prefix;
public byte OwnIgnore;
public short NetID;
NetMessage.SendData(21, -1, -1, null, itemID, ownIgnore);
public struct ItemOwner
public short NPCID;
public byte PlayerIndex;
NetMessage.SendData(22, -1, -1, null, npcID);
public struct NpcUpdate
public short NPCID;
public Vector2 Position;
public Vector2 Velocity;
public ushort Target;
public BitsFlag Flag1;
public BitsFlag Flag2;
public float[] AI;
public short NetID;
public byte PlayerCountForMultiplayerDifficultyOverride;
public float StrengthMultiplier;
public byte LifeSize;
public int Life; //int or short or sbyte
public byte ReleaseOwner;
NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, null, npcID);
public struct NpcItemStrike
public short NPCID;
public byte PlayerID;
NetMessage.SendData(24, -1, -1, null, npcID, playerID);
public struct ProjectileNew
public short Identiry;
public Vector2 Position;
public Vector2 Velocity;
public byte Owner;
public short Type;
public BitsByte Flag1;
public BitsByte Flag2;
public float AI0;
public float AI1;
public ushort BannerIdToRespondTo;
public short Damage;
public float KnockBack;
public short originalDamage;
public short ProjUUID;
public float AI2;
public struct NpcStrike
public struct ProjectileDestroy
public struct TogglePvp
public struct ChestGetContents
public struct ChestItem
public struct ChestOpen
public struct PlaceChest
public struct EffectHeal
public struct PasswordRequired
public struct PasswordSend
public struct RemoveItemOwner
public struct NpcTalk
public struct PlayerAnimation
public struct PlayerMana
public struct EffectMana
public struct PlayerTeam
public struct SignRead
public struct SignNew
public struct LiquidSet
public struct PlayerSpawnSelf
public struct PlayerBuff
public struct NpcSpecial
public struct ChestUnlock
public struct NpcAddBuff
public struct NpcUpdateBuff
public struct PlayerAddBuff
public struct UpdateNPCName
public struct UpdateGoodEvil
public struct PlayHarp
public struct HitSwitch
public struct UpdateNPCHome
public struct SpawnBossorInvasion
public struct PlayerDodge
public struct PaintTile
public struct PaintWall
public struct Teleport
public struct PlayerHealOther
public struct Placeholder
public struct ClientUUID
public struct ChestName
public struct CatchNPC
public struct ReleaseNPC
public struct TravellingMerchantInventory
public struct TeleportationPotion
public struct AnglerQuest
public struct CompleteAnglerQuest
public struct NumberOfAnglerQuestsCompleted
public struct CreateTemporaryAnimation
public struct ReportInvasionProgress
public struct PlaceObject
public struct SyncPlayerChestIndex
public struct CreateCombatText
public struct LoadNetModule
public struct NpcKillCount
public struct PlayerStealth
public struct ForceItemIntoNearestChest
public struct UpdateTileEntity
public struct PlaceTileEntity
public struct TweakItem
public struct PlaceItemFrame
public struct UpdateItemDrop
public struct EmoteBubble
public struct SyncExtraValue
public struct SocialHandshake
public struct Deprecated
public struct KillPortal
public struct PlayerTeleportPortal
public struct NotifyPlayerNpcKilled
public struct NotifyPlayerOfEvent
public struct UpdateMinionTarget
public struct NpcTeleportPortal
public struct UpdateShieldStrengths
public struct NebulaLevelUp
public struct MoonLordCountdown
public struct NpcShopItem
public struct GemLockToggle
public struct PoofOfSmoke
public struct SmartTextMessage
public struct WiredCannonShot
public struct MassWireOperation
public struct MassWireOperationPay
public struct ToggleParty
public struct TreeGrowFX
public struct CrystalInvasionStart
public struct CrystalInvasionWipeAll
public struct MinionAttackTargetUpdate
public struct CrystalInvasionSendWaitTime
public struct PlayerHurtV2
public struct PlayerDeathV2
public struct CreateCombatTextExtended
public struct TileEntityDisplayDollItemSync
public struct RequestTileEntityInteraction
public struct WeaponsRackTryPlacing
public struct TileEntityHatRackItemSync
public struct SyncTilePicking
public struct SyncRevengeMarker
public struct RemoveRevengeMarker
public struct LandGolfBallInCup
public struct FinishedConnectingToServer
public struct FishOutNPC
public struct TamperWithNPC
public struct PlayLegacySound
public struct FoodPlatterTryPlacing
public struct UpdatePlayerLuckFactors
public struct DeadPlayer
public struct SyncCavernMonsterType
public struct RequestNPCBuffRemoval
public struct ClientSyncedInventory
public struct SetCountsAsHostForGameplay
public struct SetMiscEventValues
public struct RequestLucyPopup
public struct SyncProjectileTrackers
public struct CrystalInvasionRequestedToSkipWaitTime
public struct RequestQuestEffect
public struct SyncItemsWithShimmer
public struct ShimmerActions
public struct SyncLoadout
public struct SyncItemCannotBeTakenByEnemies
public struct RGBColor
public byte R;
public byte G;
public byte B;